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2009 Volkswagen Touran repair manual

2009 Volkswagen Touran repair manual
  • SKU: 1738
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  • File type: PDF
  • GTIN: 5949960528856
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2009 Volkswagen Touran service manual - OEM Repair Manual

What does the DeLuxe repair manual mean? You can get a guaranteed refund if you find a better, more detailed, or more complete repair manual like this one anywhere online.

1T,1T0,1T1,1T2,1T3 Volkswagen AG genuine factory manual

What do we offer?

The latest and most complete data available anywhere for your exact car, Volkswagen Touran from 2009.

The service manuals and/or wiring diagrams are created for your exact car using your VIN car number. We deliver manuals written by the manufacturer (Original OEM), designed specifically for your vehicle VIN car number (Please do not ask us on chat if your engine is on this manual. The answer will always be: yes!).

Easy to run in PDF format, and the facilities of PDF, which are bookmarks and hyperlinks, will give you fast access to exact solutions.

On this website, you will find only the top products. The technology we use to create these manuals precisely for the customer car, using VIN, is unique. The service manuals we created are superior to any other manual found on the internet. You do not have to believe our words. If you find a 2009 Volkswagen Touran PDF repair manual better or more complete than ours anywhere, we will refund your money.

This is the same manual that your dealer service center uses. Our website is the only one offering the 2009 Volkswagen Touran  OEM factory repair manual in PDF. 


 2009 Volkswagen Touran service manual typical table of contents:

  Vehicle-specific information



  Servicing engine

  Fuel supply system

  Automatic gearbox

  Manual gearbox

  Servicing automatic gearbox

  Servicing manual gearbox

  Running gear, front-wheel drive, and four-wheel drive

  Rear final drive

  Brake system

  Heating, air conditioning

  Auxiliary heater

  Body Repairs

  Body repairs, exterior

  Body repairs, interior

  Trailer Operation Guide

  Wheels and tires 


2009 Volkswagen Touran Wiring Diagrams table of contents

  Wiring Diagrams for exact VIN


  Electrical system

  DTC List


A dozen of advantages of having the genuine 2009 Volkswagen Touran workshop manual in PDF from us:

1. Information is specific to your car, year made model, trim, engine, and transmission type.

2. Information is taken directly from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) VW AG. Genuine OEM repair manuals are more accurate and complete than any other service information available.

3. All OEM repair manuals include pictured repair, overhaul, maintenance, and replacement procedures.

4. Accurate OEM factory wiring diagrams with wire splice and ground locations for your exact car.

5. You can have it with you anytime; PDF files have a small size.

6. OEM manual contains a few thousand pages of repair and replacement information.

7. Can be easily printed, in whole or in part.

8. It can be saved on CD, DVD, USB, cloud, dropbox, or your phone SIM card.

9. It Does not require any software installation. Anyone has a PDF reader...

10. Works on any computer, laptop, smartphone, iPad, iPhone, or tablet.

11. Check what a garage mechanic tells you, and avoid the premium costs of garage auto spare parts.

12. Order and replace your exact car with the correct filters, oils, liquids, and lubricants.

Engines covered in our 2009 Volkswagen Touran repair manuals:

4-cylinder common rail engine (1.6 l, EA189) CAYC CAYB CAYA 
4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) CFGB CFFA CFFB CLJA CFHB CFHC CFJA CLCA CFHF CFFD CLLA CFGC CFJB 
4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) BXJ BXE BXF AVQ BKC BRU BLS 
4-cylinder diesel engine (2.0 l engine, 2-valve, TDI) BMM 
4-cylinder diesel engine (2.0 l engine, 4 valve) BMN BMR BUZ BWV AZV BKD BKP BMA BVE
4-cylinder direct injection engine (1.2 l engine, 2V, EA 111 turbocharger) CBZB CBZA CBZC 
4-cylinder direct-injection engine (1.4 l, EA 111, turbocharger, supercharger) CAVA CAVD CAVB CAVC CAVE CKMA CNWA CTKA CTHA CTHD CTHB CTHC CTHE  
4-cylinder direct-injection engine (1.4 l, EA 111, turbocharger, supercharger) BMY BLG BWK 
4-cylinder direct-injection engine (1.4 l, natural gas, EA 111, turbocharger, supercharger) CDGA 
4-cylinder injection engine (1.4 and 1.6 l direct injection) BAG BKG BLN BLP BLF
4-cylinder injection engine (1.4 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) BMY 
4-cylinder injection engine (1.6 l roller rocker finger) BGU BSE BSF  
4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection) BVZ BVX AXW BLX BLY BLR BVY
4-cylinder injection engine (natural gas) BSX   

Transmissions covered by our 2009 Volkswagen Touran service manual:

5-speed manual gearbox 0AH 
6-speed automatic gearbox 09G 
6-speed dual clutch gearbox 02E 
6-speed manual gearbox 02Q 
6-speed manual gearbox 02S 
6-speed manual gearbox 0AJ 
7-speed dual clutch gearbox 0AM 

Free, 1-24 hours, direct download link.

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A Reviewer Verified Customer   
02-28-25 - united states

It was good.

Recommend this Company
4 / 5
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4 / 5
Joe H. Verified Customer   
02-28-25 - united states

Easy so far

Recommend this Company
5 / 5
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5 / 5
David M. Verified Customer   
02-28-25 - united states

I’m hoping this manual is as good as I read it to be.

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Shellyanne C. Verified Customer   
02-27-25 - united states

Awesome experience

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Truck S. Verified Customer   
03-02-25 - Oklahoma , united states

Great deal, great price! Nearly 10,000 pages full of information. I've just thumbed through it so far but I can't imagine there would be anything unaddressed.

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